Roof terrace waterproofing | Espoo
In this location, the waterproofing was implemented using ElaProof Light coating method from the ElaProof BTR System.
Mål: Coating and waterproofing of Terrace
Adresse: Maakirjantie, Espoo, Finland
Materiale: Concrete
Entreprenør: Rockinvest Oy | Rock Kivitalot
Tid og sted: 06 / 2020 | Espoo
At the this site, the waterproofing of the roof terrace and outdoor stairs was carried out with Finnish isocyanate-free ElaProof H.
Mere information
There are several detached houses in the area, where below the roof terrace the so-called cold storages. Leaks into warehouses were detected in previously built sites. In this location, the waterproofing was implemented with ElaProof. Afterwards, other houses were also fixed using a proven method. After waterproofing, wooden rails built in place from pressure-saturated wood were installed on the stairs and terrace.