ElaProof FLOOR X – Product Data Sheet


The ElaProof FLOOR X coating is suitable for use in e.g. warehouses, classrooms, offices and living spaces. The base material can be concrete, chipboard or plasterboard. Concrete substrates should always be levelled with a screed suitable for the purpose, with a strength class of at least C30, F7 classified according to the EN 13813 standard.

Product description

ElaProof FLOOR X is a water vapor permeable, elastic floor coating for indoor use with self-smoothing properties. ElaProof Floor X is a CE-marked construction product based on testing according to the EN 13813 standard. ElaProof FLOOR X floor coating is always treated with ELACOAT Top Coat or ELACOAT Top Coat RAL topcoat, which forms the final tread surface of the system. The final surface of the system has a pleasant soft feel when working while standing for a long time, the elastic properties of the system also have a positive effect on the acoustics of the coated space, reducing echoes in the space.

The final surface structure of the ElaProof FLOOR X coating can be influenced by intermediate sanding before surface varnishing, so that the surface becomes completely flat and smooth. If necessary, the surface can also be left unsanded and varnished directly after drying with a surface varnish, leaving a little structure created by the work tools on the surface, e.g. reducing the risk of slipping.

Colors and packaging

Grey, ca. RAL 7037 • 20 kg


• Water vapour-permeable, self-smoothing floor coating

• Bio-based product – ecological choice

• Isocyanate- and phthalate-free product

• M1 emission classification and Emicode EC1

Cleaning and maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance of the ElaProof FLOOR X floor finished with ELACOAT TopCoat varnish can be done with these instructions!

Technical support

Tel. +358 20 790 2710 • e-mail: info@buildcare.fi

Technical information


Preliminary work before starting the coating

The product is suitable for use on most floor surfaces for indoor use. The floor surface can be e.g. chipboard, plasterboard and concrete. Concrete platforms must first be levelled with a floor leveller suitable for the purpose. The strength of the screed is at least C30, F7 as classified according to standard EN 13813. Before starting the coating work, familiarize yourself with the preliminary work required by the surface material of your site. Please download suitable coating work proposal here!


The most recommended installation conditions are +15–20°C, RH 50% air relative humidity. Direct sunlight on the coating area must be avoided, as well as drafty conditions. Lower temperatures and high relative humidity significantly slow down the drying of the product. Correspondingly, high temperatures accelerate the drying of the product and may cause harm to the self-smoothing properties of the product. Non-absorbent base materials also significantly affect the drying time, lengthening it.

  • Minimum installation temperature + 10°C in air and on the substrate.
  • Maximum installation temperature +25°C in air and on the substrate.
  • Maximum air relative humidity 75% RH.
  • Maximum substrate relative humidity 90% RH.


Surfaces to be coated are primed with ElaProof Primer before coating. Porous and absorbent surfaces are primed with ElaProof Primer diluted 1:2 (1 part primer:2 parts water). Repeat the priming, if necessary, if the applied primer is absorbed into the substrate in an instant. The coating can be applied as soon as the primer has dried. Ponds must not appear!

Moisture-sensitive substrates, such as wood-based building boards and plasterboards, are primed with undiluted ElaProof Primer. In this case, let the primer dry for at least 12 hours before starting the coating.


Mix ElaProof Floor X Floor Coating before use. Use a wire whisk in the mixer, which does not introduce air into the sealing compound during mixing. ElaProof Floor X Floor coating is applied to the substrate with a toothed steel trowel intended for self-leveling floor products, e.g. E.Vuorio Oy product no. 4649 in one application. After application, the coating is treated with a spike roller, e.g. E.Vuorio Oy product no. 7814. ElaProof Floor-X consumption should be approx. 3.0 kg/m2 and the realized dry film thickness should be min. 1.5 mm. On absorbent substrates, the ElaProof Floor X floor coating can be further processed after approx. 24 h under conditions of +20°C, 50% RH. On non-absorbent substrates, suitability for further processing may require a longer time. NOTE! If necessary, the product can be thinned by a maximum of 1 percent by weight (2 dl for a 20 kg container). If you are diluting the product, start with a small amount of water and add more if necessary. Adding too much water to the product may have a weakening effect on the product’s technical properties!

Intermediate sanding:

If you want the surface of the ElaProof Floor X floor coating to be completely smooth and even, perform intermediate sanding with a floor sander before varnishing the surface. Use a 40-grit sandpaper disc in the floor sander and sand the coated floor completely smooth. Vacuum the resulting lint with an industrial vacuum cleaner.


The dried ElaProof Floor X floor coating is treated with clear ELACOAT TOPCOAT or tinted ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL topcoats to facilitate cleaning and maintenance. For floors that remain in one colour, we recommend topcoating with tinted ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL topcoat to even out possible colour differences in the ElaProof Floor X floor coating. Mix the topcoat according to the instructions on the package. Apply the topcoat over the dried ElaProof Floor X coating with a short-pile roller (6-7 mm) by rolling it crosswise. The consumption of the surface varnish is approx. 110-200 g/m2/application. The surface varnish is dry to the touch after approx. 16 hours in conditions of + 20°C, 50% RH. The full duration of mechanical stress is reached in the above conditions after approx. 4 days, and the full chemical duration after approx. 7 days. NOTE! Some colours of ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL topcoats may require 2-3 treatments to achieve sufficient coverage! See the separate table for coverage of ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL topcoats.

Structural drawings:

You can find all structural drawings related to ElaProof products in DWG and PDF format in the ProdLib-service.

Updated: 05/2024 | MA

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