ElaProof ROOF Primer installation instructions
The ready-to-use ElaProof ROOF PRIMER is designed for use on a stone-surfaced felt roof before the ElaProof coating.
Before applying ElaProof ROOF Primer, dirt, grease, dust and other loose material are removed from the substrate and the substrate is cleaned of old paint and surface layers.
Before application, dirt, grease, dust and other loose material are removed from the substrate and the substrate is cleaned of old paint and surface layers.
Operating temperature:
(air and surface) over +5°C. The primer is applied in a thin, even layer so that all the substance is absorbed on the surface and no ponds are formed. Only one treatment is sufficient if the substrate is not very dry and absorbent.
roller, brush or syringe. Tools are cleaned with water.
Shelf life:
12 months from manufacture, see jar. The product must be protected from frost and direct sunlight.
Drying time:
1-3 h depending on conditions and substrate.
The consumption varies depending on the roughness of the surface from 70 to 120 g/m2
Structural drawings
All structural drawings related to ElaProof products in DWG and PDF format from the ProdLib-service
Updated: 05/2023 | MA
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