ElaProof S Instructions for use

Minimum requirements for a high-pressure sprayer

ElaProof S is applied as a high-pressure sprayer min. with a pressure of 200 bar. Sprayer yield min. 6 l/min.


  • Clean the surface from dust, loose previous paintings or coatings and other particles.
  • High pressure wash is recommended min 200 bar.
  • If there are clearly damaged areas or visible cracks an application of ElaProof H hand coating is recommended before spraying: 1) cleaning of surface, 2) applying ElaProof H, 3) installing Base fabric in the wet surface, 4) applying ElaProof H to finish on top of the Base fabric.
  • Prime with ElaProof Primer if necessary. Priming is recommended for porous materials such as new or old concrete surfaces, mineralite, plastered surfaces and gypsum. The treatment improves the adhesion of ElaProof to the substrate and prevents the formation of air bubbles. Air bubbles rising to the surface are often a sign of too little priming. ElaProof Primer is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Site protection

  • Protect area around surface from splatter.
  • Before starting the construction site, it is recommended to check the weather and wind conditions as well as the weather forecast.
  • The finished ElaProof coating must be protected from frost and rain until the film has dried. ElaProof S is touch dry in 3-4 hours after applying (+20°C, RH 45 %, 1,5 l m/m²).

Site preparations

  • Place spraying equipment to a position where it can be easily washed with water after spraying.
  • Install blender to the ElaProof S barrel and start blending.
  • In case product appears to be too stiff a small amount of water (max 1 volume-%) can be added, product needs to be liquid enough to go through the spraying pump.

Fill in site report

  • During installation, a site report on the installation must be completed. The manufacturer cannot verify and be responsible for the performance of a substance if its installation conditions and method of installation are not properly documented.


  • Use ElaProof S in temperatures between +10°C and +40°C
  • ElaProof shall be applied in temperatures over +10°C (air and surface) and relative humidity of less than 80%.
  • Pressurise the pump first by using water and then move the hose to ElaProof barrel.
  • Start applying ElaProof to the surface, pump pressure 150-400 bar.
  • In case there are breaks during application it is recommended to drown the pump pistol in a water bucket.
  • The product can also be used on new concrete substrates with remaining residual moisture. In this case, the maximum moisture content is 90% RH measured at the assessment depth A, following the instructions of RT Card 103333 (this applies in Finland, please check your local instructions). The surface of the concrete must be drier than assessment depth A at the time of coating. If it’s a concrete substrate that has become wet after the fact, for example, due to rain, the moisture content should be a maximum of 85% RH at assessment depth A and a maximum of 75% RH on the surface of the concrete. For dense substrates like metal and felt roofs, they should be dry at the time of coating.

Cleaning the equipment after spraying

  • After spraying the inlet hose is to be moved to a water barrel and water is to be sprayed until there is no outcoming ElaProof
  • The equipment is to be cleaned by using high pressure hose and washing liquid (e.g. Pineline)

Please note!

  • Storage ElaProof S in temperatures between +10°C … +40°C and protected from direct sunlight. The product must not freeze before use.
  • A dried ElaProof S coating can be painted with elastic, waterborne, breathable paints. It is advisable to test the compatibility of ElaProof and a specific paint in advance.
  • More technical information is available from info@buildcare.fi.
  • ElaProof S is listed in the Nordic Ecolabelling construction product database and can be used in Swan-labeled buildings.

BuildCare Ltd. arranges coating training for the workers of their partners in order to ensure an impeccable, durable and high-quality coating quality.

Updated: 11/2023 | MA

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