Ballasted roof 2385 m² | Helsinki
At this site the apartment buildings are owened by Heka Oy - Helsinki City Housing Company. The roofs were coated with isocyanate-free ElaProof S.
Project information
Client: Helsinki City Housing Company
Project: Block of flats
Address: Rekipellontie 10, 11 & 12, Helsinki, Finland
Material: Ballasted roof
Contractor: Suomen Polyureakatot Oy
Supervisor: Heka Oy - Helsinki City Housing Company
Time and city: 06-07/2021 | Helsinki
At the site, the mossy material was removed from the felt cover and the felt roof was washed.
The penetrations were treated with ElaProof H with and ElaProof Base fabric before the coating work, made with isocynate-free ElaProof S.